What is this Potpourri?

Yes this is us. Us is Jo & Bill. This picture was taken after a night of dining and drunken revelry .
As an extra We have included Jo's biography (below) for those who care to know more about her background.
(This version carries Jo's seal of approval. For Bill's version see above) I have been married to "crazy Bill" for more than 40 years. I joined Sweet Adelines in 1972 and was placed in the baritone section, where I stayed for three years, finally switching to lead in 1975 (after trying tenor for about a year), and lead has been home to me most of the time. I have been a singer for most of my life from high school and afterwards. In 1972, after reading an ad about a men's barbershop show, I called to buy tickets andI asked if I could get a Sweet Adelines contact, with the ticket purchase. The gentleman gave me a few phone numbers of women to contact. I visited and then joined the Hickory Tree Chorus in NJ. Over the years I've sung in many quartets and ultimately had the good fortune to be a charter member of the “City Lights” Quartet, who became the SAI 1992 International Champions (Queens of Harmony). Other quartets I have sung in with are: "Coming Attractions" (1972-1975), "Latest Addition" (1976-1977), "Sound Express" (1978-1982) (region 15 champions in 1978), "City Lights" (1983-2001) (region 15 champions in 1985, 86, 90) (third place international semi-finalist 1991), “Millennium“, Region #15 2002 champions and “Fortissimo“ (2004-2006). I had directed the "Jersey Shore / Shore Hills Chorus" for 8 years and the "Metro Rhythm Chorus" for 7 years. I have been a member of three Region 15 choruses “Hickory Tree”, “Ramapo Valley", “Metro Rhythm”, and since moving to PA I am currently singing with "Vocal Harmony Chorus" (formally “Red Rose Chorus”) in Region 19. In addition, I’ve been arranging since the mid ’70’s and am now a Certified Musical Arranger and a Certified Music judge, 20 years. Through all of this and longer, much longer, I have been married to "Crazy Bill". He wasn't crazy when I married him. He just turned out that way, he says, because of Sweet Adelines.
Jo. No different at 4 than she is today. The tale as told by Holger (Bill). Jo has been a member of Sweet Adelines International for over 40 years, slightly less longer and yet far more passionately than she has been married to "Crazy Bill" her unfortunately not erstwhile husband. She is the mother of two, count them, two adults (that's definitely a "u" not an "o" despite "Crazy Bill" being the male parental unit). She has spent those years perfecting her expertise in the craft of singing, arranging, directing, judging and diddling at the pianooo. She has accomplished recognition of this expertise as the lead of "City Lights", the 1992 International Champion Sweet Adelines Quartet). She currently sings with the Red Rose Chorus In Lancaster, PA, a Sweet Adelines Chorus in Region 19 and currently sings lead in the “Hot Off the Press” quartet. She has also managed to stay married to "Crazy Bill" without terminating his or her existence. A not so small accomplishment.